VINCENT BACH Trumpet TR300 A77563 With mouthpiece 7C hard case From JAPAN Used.
What is the value of a used TR300 bach student trumpet? Posted: (3 days ago) Other cup mouthpiece serial numbers are not available at this time. All Selmer trumpets have a serialnumber and there is a chart that shows what year the trumpet wasmade. Prepare for a scare: Halloween Store now open Shop Now. Bach trumpets start at around $1,300 for a student model, and you will typically pay around $3,000 for the more commonly used Stradivarius models. BACH TR300 Bb Trumpet w/ NEW ANTIQUE FINISH! | eBay Our Price: $499.99. Bach instruments are the first choice in both value and performance. 459" medium-large bore with a red brass leadpipe for durability and ease of tone production. For example, in 1928 the Apollo serial numbers were 8600 - 8700. Jean Paul Intermediate Trumpet Yellow Brass TR-430 - Best Buy, Site Map | The item for bid is a vintage Vincent Bach Stradivarius Silver Bb ML Bore Trumpet Model 43. I have 2 trumpets that I would like to know the value of: Bach TR300 trumpet with case, never played but purchased at least 20 years ago Blessing Trumpet w/ case: valve # 335320 bell info: CG Conn Ltd … read more Selmer Bach Trumpet Serial Numbers Bach TR300 Trumpet | eBay Comes with case, mouthpiece, stand, cleaning knit, and two mute silencers.

Are Bach Trumpets Good? (Explained for Beginners) Item: 072784. The instrument looks fairly average with a laquered finish which imparts a synthetic/plastic feel to the surface of the instrument. 1 of 1 Bach TR300 Trumpets Reviews | Disley Titchbender's. Reserve Now Reserve Now Back to Top Back to Top.